Tuesday 24 February 2015

Two Drowned Rats

7 weeks to go.

This morning Andrea suggested we postpone our 14 mile walk as the forecast was bad, but no I said, in 7 weeks time we'll have to walk the 26 miles regardless of the weather. How stupid am I? We tramped through wet woods in pouring rain, got lost, slid down muddy banks, got spooked by a wild boar/deer/jack russell, and when we finally found a pub for lunch I was ready to give up. My feet were squelching, I was soaked through, and my rucksack had pools of water in the bottom. These notes of our route were in my waterproof coat pocket; I could practically wring them out!

However, after a hot pot of tea and a jacket potato, then contorting myself to dry my feet under the hand drier in the ladies loos, and a change into Andrea's spare dry socks, we carried on. We are so dedicated to our cause (and we had a packet of Jaffa Cakes to consume: 2 each every 20 mins for the final 3 miles. And Andrea has the cheek to call me 'controlling'?!).

So we didn't manage the 14 miles as planned but we completed 10, which surely is still worthy of some support https://www.justgiving.com/helen-evans22/ !

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