Saturday, 24 January 2015

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Day 70

Some days I am just daft. I rushed home from work today to walk 5 miles before cooking tea for the family. It was blooming freezing and I was wrapped up like Edmund Hillary/Sherpa Tenzing/Prince Harry on a trek to the North Pole. But the worst part was that I got as far as North Bradley (so not quite as far as Harry) and needed the loo. So I marched for the next hour exercising more muscles than just my legs! I must now have a pelvic floor of steel. How did Harry cope? Did they show that on the tele?

 Harry's just spotted the loo

And it was an awful walk. At that time of day everyone was rushing home; when a lorry went past my bobble hat flew off in its wake so had to go scrabbling around in the undergrowth to retrieve it. It was a great look.

So I felt pretty good about having done the walk, but it's not likely to be something I'll repeat. Living in a town makes it a bit tricky to find walks that avoid main roads. Maybe we should move somewhere more rural in the next 2 months so that I can go walking somewhere without main roads?

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